
Qingdao glass products factory, glass factory is the development trend of the future

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Qingdao glass products factory, glass factory is the development trend of the future

Industry News2016-05-09

Glass bottles, glass ware is one of the important products, daily silicate industry is also the tradition of packaging industry products. In recent years, the frequent food safety incidents, caused the entire society for food safety factors. Glass products factory production of glass bottles and Qingdao happened to in product protection, transportation, storage plays a other material containers not matched by significant role.


Although Qingdao manufactory of glass products and other products compared material will have a big advantage, but when ensuring food safety into the industry's focus, brings out the shortage of the existing glass products in our country. Glass containers, as one of the food related products, while performance is relatively stable, but the study found that under certain conditions will intensify its heavy metal migration, affect food safety. For this country issued GB19778-2005 "glass container heavy metal dissolution allowed limited" compulsory standards. Even so in recent years, the phenomenon of detection of heavy metal exceeds bid but also happen from time to tome, this suggests that the glass container or there are different levels of security, so the influence of glass containers for food safety has become one of the important content of quality supervision.


Now think highly of products related to food quality and safety in our country, since 6 years, countries began to plastics, paper products, food related products market access system, glass, ceramic, metal, MuZhu products, food machinery and other related products also included in the food production license directory, especially since the new "food safety law" promulgated, the more the quality of food products. Various products production permit conditions are perfect, glass containers because of its particularity, there is a problem in the implementation of the QS quality safety license need to further explore, such as beer bottles in the process of ensuring food safety involves the explosion of the cuts, recycling bottle, clean, new standards and regulations, and other issues. Only agree on above problem, can better promote the work.


Not only countries today more and more attention to packaging industry, as well as consumers are increasingly demanding for the packaging industry, at the same time, the fierce competition between enterprises, Qingdao glass products factory how to improve the quality of glass bottles it becomes crucial to improve food safety consciousness, related departments also accelerate the process of the work, we believe that the glass container into production licensing procedures are just around the corner.



Yao En 2006 founded in Qingdao Jiaozhou

Using the most advanced glass furnace design technology, with an annual output more than sixty thousand tons

With a variety of daily-use glass production capacity

Customer-focused, quality and development

Welcome friends from various circles at home and abroad throughout the company and discuss development plans

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