
Qingdao glass products factory, glass crafts, modern fashion

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Qingdao glass products factory, glass crafts, modern fashion

Industry News2016-05-07

Qingdao manufactory of glass manufacturing process is not complicated. But its temperature control is very interesting. Alternately high and low, at the beginning of the fusion system, the temperature at 1300 ~ 1300 ゜ c.; In the forming stage, must be in a relatively cool temperatures, to be able to melted glass liquid to a solid shape. Viscous liquid into a plastic solid, to take shape. Knead it again carefully, and simple process is messy and orderly circulation. In the forming stage, it also must have a annealing period, the temperature control in a certain range, glass in order to achieve a balance of the internal thermal stress. Especially glass production. Need to pay attention to the annealing step. To prevent it suddenly fracture.


A lot of well-known brands at home and abroad, have to use glass bottles to dress up their finished products. Perfume bottle, cosmetic bottle, glass vase, glass bottle... ... This glass is not just a glassware used to hold things, is a seiko fine carving handicraft. Many stars have to collect the habit of Qingdao factory glass crafts. Angela, like collecting bottles, not because of those wine how much fame, nor because hard-drinking, but because the bottle design is very creative, let a person want to possess oneself of.


Creativity is the soul of the arts and crafts, and creativity is the darling of the fashion world. Quality of life has increased, the rise and the aesthetic view of people and the pursuit of fashion, in arts and crafts. Looking and searching, searching. Transparent, image of different glass handicraft followed into the modern people's eyeballs. It can be glittering and translucent get rid of, also can be colorful; It can behave as a mold sculpture, can also be strange, let you feel not clear, from its design idea is. Each bottle of dior perfume is a unique design. Do not weigh appearance, even if there is the same, but the biggest creative point is definitely not the same. Many people ran out of perfume bottles also pack, just for the design of a bottle.


As the common glass process. Glass is also more and more glass production factory in Qingdao. More wide range. Creative glass handicraft, also is not only the ancient trick a silver spoon in his mouth, but modern people's pursuit of cough up.



Yao En 2006 founded in Qingdao Jiaozhou

Using the most advanced glass furnace design technology, with an annual output more than sixty thousand tons

With a variety of daily-use glass production capacity

Customer-focused, quality and development

Welcome friends from various circles at home and abroad throughout the company and discuss development plans

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