
Qingdao glass products factory: three ice process

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Qingdao glass products factory: three ice process

Company News2016-05-09

Qingdao is glass products factory of ice in the glass surface to form patterns, such as ice fracture, like Windows of formation water on the ice in winter. This kind of glass decorative methods generally there are three kinds of technique.


One is on the glass in a certain pattern or design and fine particles of color glaze of low temperature and then heat charred the glaze particles with the surface of the glass bonding, promote said bead glass, glass, also known as ice. This kind of glass has a unique sand granular rough surface colour, is used widely in various glassware factory.


Secondly, MAO in glassware products surface coating a layer of bone glue solution or animal skin glue solution, after the glue liquid dehydration become dry glue, are produced by volume contraction, makes the glass surface cracks, and then burst. At this time due to the rubber coated with frosted glass surface bonding, respectively to shrink, and the shrinkage of glass block fillet, then leads to stress, when the stress exceeds the strength of the glass, makes the peeling off part of the glass surface, thus in irregular ice pattern is formed on the surface of glass, again not peeling off and wash off residue on the glass of the sub, namely become ice glass products.


Last ice flower decoration products, is in the glass forming, when they are still under a state of high temperature quickly inserted the glass in the cold water quenching, and quickly took out from the cold water, the glass products due to rapid cooling effect and burst into similar ice crack, split, but not totally Fried. Then by natural fusion or slightly toasted, ice flowers products have a certain strength.


According to the production process of ice crack is not only good transparency, and simple manufacturing process, does not need to increase the cost. So the decoration methods have long been Qingdao glass products factory.



Yao En 2006 founded in Qingdao Jiaozhou

Using the most advanced glass furnace design technology, with an annual output more than sixty thousand tons

With a variety of daily-use glass production capacity

Customer-focused, quality and development

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